Wednesday, November 27, 2013

'Twas the day before Thanksgiving

'Twas the day before Thanksgiving
And in the bathroom
I sat unaware of the imminent doom.

The TP was hung on the holder with care.
It doesn't matter the tube was actually bare.

My hair was wild with that morning look
With eyes half open I scrolled through Facebook.
With Kristy at work and I just awake
I'd just sat down for a bathroom break.

When what to my half open eyes should appear
But a creature was moving on the wall oh so near.

He had legs galore and a plump little bodice
He moved stealthily, he was not a creeping novice.

With just as much stealth I concluded my business
And fled to the hall to gather my senses.

I ran to the kitchen to get the bug spray
And returned to the hall to mutter and pray

Armed only with spray, no camo or shoe
Oh tanks! oh grenades! I could really use you.

With a check on the monster I eased by the door
I sprayed and I prayed and he hopped to the floor.

I sprang to the hall to retreat for a second
But the monster he followed, now war he had beckoned.

I screamed not a squeal, but went straight to my work
I sprayed him some more
This plump hopping jerk.

I began to wonder if this spray was the ticket
To kill, to demolish, my foe, Camel Cricket.

But after about a 10-second spray
He made one final leap
And on the floor dead he lay.

With one eye on the creature I backed into my room
I acquired a shoe to be sure of his doom.

His death now confirmed I grabbed a Kleenex
And scooped him up and flushed him to rest.

And I thought to myself as he spun out of sight
"The world must know -- I have fought a good fight."

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Some thoughts on grace. . .

I'm so glad God is not at all like me. 

In light of how holy He is and how "not holy" I am, I really don't deserve...well, anything. 

Well, that's not true.  I do deserve some things.  Things like punishment.  Abandonment.  Judgment.  Pain.  Rejection.  Loss.  (gulp)  Death.

Yet, He gives to me.  The opposite of what I deserve. 



Grace allows God to be:

near though He should be far.

a friend when He should be an enemy.

for me though He should be against me.

loving when He should be hateful.

kind when He should be rude.

listening though He should be ignoring.

reaching when He should be resisting.

accepting though He should be shunning.

forgiving when He should be rejecting.

helping when He should be disgusted.

giving though He should be withholding.

abundant when He should be restricting.

teaching when He should be punishing.

close though He should be distant.

pursuing when He should be disregarding.

God is not at all like me.  But I am trying to be like Him.