It's Mother's why do I feel like the one who received the gift?! Because my mom is the kind of mom you are PROUD to call "Mom." You see "the best mom" isn't the mom that simply tells you what to do, but rather the one who examples the behavior. "The best mom" is the kind of mom that allows you to learn a hard lesson, the hard way...even though it breaks her heart to see you go through it. "The best mom" knows that to "rescue" you from it is to damage your ability to make better decisions, adjust your outlook and keep it from happening again. "The best mom" isn't the one that cleans your room for you, rather it's the one that teaches you to take pride in your things and be responsible for them. "The best mom" realizes she's not the ONLY one that can have authority in your life...she allows others (under her watchful, careful eye) to instruct & correct your behavior. Today I realize that while I may have given a gift today to "the best mom", the greater gift is mine to simply be able to call HER "Mom." Mom, I love you!

Mom opening her gifts...her birthday is Thursday, so we did a dual celebration. But she refused to open her birthday cards so she'd have something to open on Thursday. :)

Making funny noises with a straw and an armpit. :)