The tree is up at the apartment. I love the look of a room with a Christmas Tree in it. It seems more inviting and more homey. This post will allow you to explore our Christmas tree...see some of my favorite ornaments.

From a presents point of view.

We have several of the ornaments pictured below...and I just love them. They are glittery and remind me of the star that guided the wise men to Jesus on the first Christmas.

This is one of the four "Life is Good" ornaments Kristy got me last year. I love these.

My Winnie the Pooh ornament!

The carolers...this ornament reminds me of the time our entire family decided on a whim to Christmas Carol around Nanny and Papa's neighborhood. It was so much fun and people loved it.

Another of the "Life is Good" ornaments.

From the perspective of the tree topper. In our case the tree topper is a parents always put an angel on the top...what do you do?

The back of the "Life is Good" ornaments.

May we all be reminded that "Life is Good" because Jesus came to earth as one of us. HE is the reason we celebrate this season! Merry Christmas!